diet coke for breakfast

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Posted by RFTR

Friday, October 10, 2003

Posted by RFTR
OpinionJournal - Wonder Land: "If this is true, Arnold Schwarzenegger upended two other longstanding shibboleths--media bias and the 'litmus test.' "

This is the second time in as many days that I've seen the word "shibboleth" used in a political column. Is this really that well known a term, or did we all just see it on the West Wing a few years ago?

Jake -- The article also had this juicy quote about Arnold:

There's one last, large intangible that Arnold has slipped into the political waters: He's cool.

Like it or not, the force field of celebrity is part of the cultural physics of our era, and it looks as if the first party to get totally wired-in to a mega-celebrity is, incredibly, the GOP. Something weirdly attractive was coming off the Schwarzenegger camp's victory stage on TV round about midnight Tuesday--Arnold, Maria Shriver (a get-out-of-jail-free card for many centrist Democrats feeling trapped in an inhospitable party), Jay Leno's funny introduction, Rob Lowe nearby, Eunice and Sargent Shriver, the extended Shriver clan, and a sea of young, attractive faces. Liberal pundits will mock this scene unmercifully, but in terms of mass-market politics it was as hip as any politician could ever hope for. Arnold, with all that media reach and the aura of living wholly inside the country's popular culture, may be changing ideas of who can live comfortably on election day among the Republicans.

One of my big complaints about being conservative was always that I am surrounded by a pop culture which by and large embraces liberalism. Most producers of cultural consumption are liberals. So what's someone who likes pop culture to do? Arnold is great because he changes the image of a conservative from an uninteresting old, white guy to something so much cooler.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Posted by RFTR
Big Turnout as Californians Vote on Recall ( "Davis, casting his own vote in West Hollywood, Davis told the Associated Press, 'I feel absolutely terrific. I have always trusted the voters of California and I know they're going to do the right thing today.' "

Does that mean that, if he's recalled, he'll think it was the right thing?

Posted by RFTR
OpinionJournal - OpinionJournal's Political Diary: "Gesturing to the pumped-up crowed, a dazed reporter for a major newspaper said in puzzlement: 'There's a complete disconnect between what's going on here and the campaign we're reading about in the newspapers.' We'll find out tonight how true that is."

It seems that this is true of most arenas in the press these days. Honestly, I'm really worried about the sway the press has in shaping public opinion, especially since it's so easy for them to only pick up the sensationalist stories.

Monday, October 06, 2003

Posted by RFTR - To Lead, the U.S. Must Persuade Others to Follow - The WMD Evidence - To Rally the Nation

Add these three, along with the William Kristol column that Jake blogged below, as evidence of the Bush administrations primary failing. James and I have discussed this at length, and we've both come to the conclusion (correct me if I'm improperly speaking for you here) that our biggest complaint about the Bush White House is that they are always back-peddling, always defending a decision after the fact. It is too easy these days for the Left to poison the public with claims about Bush's lies, because the White House constantly does nothing to discount them. They should be pounding the podium about the Kay report -- it proves that Saddam was evading 1441, and gives the justification for war. They simply are not controlling debate as is necessary to maintain control of the reigns of government. Maybe what Kristol says is correct, and could solve the problem. Either way, something needs to be done.

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