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Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Posted by RFTR
Dean Replaces Campaign Manager: "``Governor Dean asked Roy Neel to join the campaign as CEO and Joe Trippi resigned as campaign manager,'' said Tricia Enright, a campaign spokeswoman."
Interesting... Friday, January 23, 2004
Posted by RFTR
Thursday, January 22, 2004
This is the coolest bird in the history of the world. Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Posted by RFTR
Op-Ed Columnist: Keeping the Faith: "Conservatives sometimes say that Democrats want to go back to the 1960's of Woodstock and the peace movement. That's not quite right. The quintessential Democrat here doesn't want to return to the angry, disruptive long-hair style of the late 1960's. She wants to return to the confident, pre-counterculture short-hair mood of the early 1960's."
The problem is, if a candidate like Dean wins, that mood will be hijacked much the way it was in the mid-1960s, though to a more catastrophic result for the Democratic party. Sunday, January 18, 2004
Posted by RFTR | News: "Kerry, Edwards surge
Iowa Poll finds surge by Kerry, Edwards" This poll by the Des Moines Register finds Kerry with 26%, Edwards 23%, Dean 20%, and Gephardt at 18%. Unbelievable. Thursday, January 15, 2004
Posted by RFTR
Yahoo! News - Moseley Braun to Drop Out, Endorse Dean
Politics baffles me sometimes... I saw Carol Mosely Braun on Crossfire YESTERDAY, and she specifically denied that she had even considered dropping out. Now, obviously that's a lie, but why would you go on Crossfire if you were going to drop out the next day?? Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Posted by RFTR
Op-Ed Columnist: The Bush Democrats
An interesting David Brooks piece on the polarizing qualities of W and why they don't hurt his chances for reelection. |