diet coke for breakfast

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Posted by RFTR
I know I swore I'd never touch the template again, but I figured out why the blogspot ads at the top of this blog and Running for the Right were doubling themselves, so I went ahead and fixed the problem. Hope y'all approve.

I also think it might be time that we add a link to RFTR to the header, but I won't do that myself. If you agree, and consider yourself to have that authority, please go ahead and do so.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Posted by RFTR
The Volokh Conspiracy

Neat post by Eugene Volokh explaining how the Conspiracy came together. Quick read, but I recommend it. I don't know how long you guys have been reading VC, but I find it very informative and interesting. Through it, I made some of my blogging friends, who are students of Eugene's at UCLA.

Posted by RFTR - Man survives six nails driven into head

I think a race of supermen has finally arrived to conquer us all. There is no other explanation for this guy still being alive...

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