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Monday, December 29, 2003
Posted by RFTR
Candidates Criticize Bush on Beef Safety ( "Former Vermont governor Howard Dean said in Ames, Iowa, on Sunday that the discovery 'raises serious concerns about the ability of this administration to protect the safety of our nation's food supply and the health of our rural economies that depend on agriculture exports.' "
Oh come on. How much could Bush possibly have had to do with an animal that was born in April 1997 - while Bush was the governor of Texas? I'm not sure how to correct it, but there has developped in this country a tendency to blame everything on the President, and I don't like it. Bush (or any President) deserves only a tiny percentage of the credit he gets, and even less of the blame. It's silly to think that W could have done anything to prevent one cow from getting BSE, particularly when that cow is from Canada anyway. 0 Comments: |