diet coke for breakfast

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Posted by RFTR
New York Post Online Edition: seven
I believe that at least one of the members of this blog was a big fan of Opie and Anthony. Well, they're returning to the airwaves, apparently.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Posted by RFTR - Kerry adapts policies, Bush resists changes
I have some thoughts which I've posted in response to Gina's fellow first-year at Yale Law on Running for the Right. Just thought you might be interested.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Posted by RFTR - NASA successfully tests hypersonic jet - Mar 27, 2004: "'It was fun all the way to Mach 7,' said Joel Sitz, project manager at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center."

I wonder what the G-forces on any human passengers would have been. Let me tell you, that sounds like fun...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Posted by RFTR
I got fed up and Fisked Dowd over on Running for the Right. Check it out, and feel free to use my new comments system to leave feedback.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Posted by RFTR
InstaPundit.Com: "Anybody notice how many people are, almost simultaneously, berating George Bush for not taking out bin Laden, and berating Sharon for taking out Ahmed Yassin?"

I must admit, it's a little absurd.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Posted by RFTR
2004 NCAA Basketball Men's Printable Brackets
You all owe me money. I made the mistake of picking Stanford for the Final Four, and I blame you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Posted by RFTR
I'm writing a piece for the Yale Politic, a political magazine, discussing the necessity of military service before holding the office of the President. I was asked because of my membership in Yale Students for Bush, and it was specifically presented to me by saying "people for Kerry are writing a piece that says it's absolutely necessary, and we want you to write opposite, saying it's not." Well, this is an obvious trap to trick me into effectively saying that Bush didn't serve. It's the kind of thing I would have done to the opposition, so I didn't fall for it. Instead, I've accepted the offer, and I'm writing from the perspective that it's not the type of service you have, but your ability to inspire confidence as the CinC, your ability to lead, your understanding of the mission ahead of us, and your ability to help the Armed Forces acheive their goals. I want to use Kerry's voting record to illustrate how, if he'd had his way, the military would be gutted by now, but since I'm travelling, it's tough for me to look up specific votes. Any suggestions on his record, or any other part of this essay would be greatly appreciated. Please email me if you've got anything good. Thanks.

James- Not everyone who works in the mail room can successfully lead a Fortune 500 company. Not everyone who served as a lieutenant can lead the US Armed Forces.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Posted by RFTR
RE: James's Peggy Noonan Post
You expressed doubt that there are many college campuses where the majority of the campus think Bush "rocks." Well, I've been in either the South or the Midwest for over a week, and I can tell you that you'd be surprised. I've been to Indiana, Bama, and LSU. Almost every student I've spoken with has been a Bush supporter. Many seem to be Republicans by birth, many support him because he's a good, Christian man. It really has been amazing, and has given me a bit of new-found confidence in the campaign. The best was a girl in a bar wearing a "Bush-Cheney '04" baby-tee. Can you imagine someone wearing something like that at Yale or Stanford?

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Posted by RFTR
I've posted a bunch of commentary on the new developments in the Democratic race over at Running for the Right. Since I'm going out of town on Thursday and will only have sporadic internet access for the next two and a half weeks, you should get your fix today.

Also, now that the Democratic nomination is pretty much sewn up, I have a favor to ask: I'm thinking that I want to write my senior thesis on this presidential election, probably next Spring. My focus, as I see it right now, will probably be an analysis of the overall strategy of both parties. Toward that end, it would be nice if, next December when I sit down to actually start thinking about it, I have a massive stack of articles relating to that topic. When I have computer access, I'm sure I'll do a decent enough job of saving copies of related articles myself. Unfortunately, the opening salvos between Kerry and Bush will be occurring over the next two weeks, and I won't have the ability to save copies. Basically, I'm asking, over the next two weeks, if you see any articles or columns commenting on Kerry posturing towards Bush or vice-versa, please, either save or print a copy for me? Thanks.

Posted by RFTR - McSupersizes to be phased out: "By the end of 2004, Supersize will no longer be available at the nation's 13,000-plus McDonald's outlets except in certain promotions, McDonald's spokesman Walt Riker said."

It's the end of an era. I remember when the supersize first came out. It was years ago, and I'm still not big enough to drink that much or eat that many fries.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Posted by RFTR
The Volokh Conspiracy: "The new worm going around poses as authentic e-mail much more persuasively than most of its predecessors."

New worm going around looks like it could be pretty deceptive. Volokh has a lot more details.

Posted by RFTR - NASA: Liquid water once on Mars - Mar. 2, 2004: "NASA scientists say the Mars rovers have found what they were looking for -- hard evidence that the red planet was once 'soaking wet.' "

An additional hint came from the bottle of 'Trump Ice' found nearby.

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